Open Art Studio

Today's activities: Reverse dip pour paint tiles Paint a rock for the Kendrick Kindness Movement (KKM) Make essential oil bracelets Come to the Center and express yourself! You can create what’s on your mind and have the room for freedom to express your growing creativity in a safe and non-competitive environment. 

Community Open House

Center for Strength 640 Plaza Dr. Suite 130, Highlands Ranch, CO

This is for everyone! Jenny Robbins, MA, LPCC will be at the event as clinical support We'll have:  Therapy dogs~ Haku, Chama and Riley Snacks from Starbucks Make fidget bracelets Paint rocks for Kendrick's Kindness Movement Ping pong tournament

May 7th Commemoration: Center For Strength Day of Service at Mane Mission

9605 S. Perry Park Rd., Larkspur, CO 80118 9605 S. Perry Park Rd.,, Larkspur, CO

This is for everyone- children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or older sibling Schedule for the day:  Observe a moment of silence for Kendrick Castillo and the 8 students injured on this day in 2019.  Start your day of service at Mane Mission.  Come dressed to work! 9am to Noon We will […]

May 7th Commemoration: Unite at Civic Green

Civic Green Park 9370 S Ridgeline Blvd,, Highlands Ranch,, CO

This for everyone however this is not a drop off event under 13 years of age. Join your friends at Civic Park for chalk painting, resources, giveaways and other activities. Jenny Robbins, MA, LPCC, our Clinician will be at the event for support. 

National Children’s Mental Health Day

National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day shines a national spotlight on the importance of caring for every child’s mental health and reinforces that positive mental health is essential to a child’s healthy development. For more information and resources click the button below:  

Podcast~ What Makes A Good Friend?

America and Theresa explore the traits that make good friends.  They both ask each other whether they feel they are a good friends and why. They discuss examples of behaviors that make bad friends, like being selfish and monopolizing conversations, and why it's about the quality vs. quantity of friends.

National Mental Health Counseling Week

National Mental Health Awareness Week is organized between May 10 and May 16. Mental health is still a taboo topic in many countries and communities. People who are mentally ill are not necessarily crazy, which is a general misconception. At least one in four people is in dire need of mental health checkups around the […]

Teen Stress Video

Hey Teens~ Let's talk about the stress you're going through with tests... You know you're not alone in your feelings.   Listen to this group of teens on their struggles and how they cope, you may find a new way of dealing with your stress.

Breathe Stretch Rest for Parents, Staff & Adults

Center for Strength 640 Plaza Dr. Suite 130, Highlands Ranch, CO

Wednesdays 5:30pm to 6:30pm Beth’s yoga approach is to create a safe, supportive space in which you can learn emotional regulation skills through connection with the breath and increased body awareness.  You will focus on slowing down any mental activity, bring ease to the breath, and tune into the nervous system’s vast healing capacity. This class is for anyone looking […]

Who Am I Really? Podcast

The presenter brought on Koreen King and they try to get to the center of what type of person they both think they are. They talk about introversion and extroversion and why other people’s energy plays a big part. Koreen is navigating a new space of living alone and she describes her transition to this […]

Sleep and Stress Help

Stress and sleep are closely linked. Stress can adversely affect sleep quality and duration, while insufficient sleep can increase stress levels. Both stress and a lack of sleep can lead to lasting physical and mental health problems. Learn more tips and tricks to help with getting more sleep this time of year. 

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