Yoga Therapy with Serena

In this 5 week therapeutic yoga class participants will be guided through breath, movement and meditation techniques to help bring awareness to the present moment. The focus of the session is to take an hour to get out of your head and tune into your body and sensations experienced in the here and now. Yoga therapy […]

RE:Source Series- “Rest and Maximize your Down Time”

How to Get the Most from Your Down Time Your breaks from life's demands may seem all too fleeting and never enough. This webinar will show you proven ways to maximize your rest breaks and even get better sleep. Presented by National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center, Alma Dell Smith, Ph.D. Alma Dell Smith, Ph.D. is […]

RE:Source Series – “Technology and Teen Mental Health”

A discussion on the relationship between technology and mental health in our youth, including how we can reduce the negative impacts. While concerns have been raised about the relationship between the use or overuse of technology (e.g., via the Internet) and child and adolescent mental health and cognitive development, there may be ways to reduce […]

TEEN NEXT STEPS: “Safe Social Network”

Online peer-facilitated network for former & current STEM students to discuss the impact of May 7, 2019, and develop NEXT STEP strategies. 3/3/2021 - Safe Social Networking Topic-based sessions will structure each session, as young people are encouraged to discuss their experience of May 7, its impact, and their journey beyond the events of that […]

Yoga Therapy with Serena

In this 5 week therapeutic yoga class participants will be guided through breath, movement and meditation techniques to help bring awareness to the present moment. The focus of the session is to take an hour to get out of your head and tune into your body and sensations experienced in the here and now. Yoga therapy […]

RE:Source Series- “Managing Stress Mindfully: REfresh”

Mindfulness is an approach that has received much attention over the past decade to improve psychological well-being. Mindfulness simply defined is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement. This workshop will discuss the role of mindfulness in managing stress. Attendees will participate in several mindfulness activities for a […]

RE:Source Series: ‘Connecting in a COVID World”

Social support and connecting with others is a key factor to resiliency in general, and especially following traumatic experiences, and the COVID pandemic has hampered the ability to stay connected socially with others. This workshop will focus on the importance of social support and connecting with others, providing unique and creative ways to stay connected […]

TEEN NEXT STEPS: “Safe Social Network”

Online peer-facilitated network for former & current STEM students to discuss the impact of May 7, 2019, and develop NEXT STEP strategies. 3/3/2021 - Safe Social Networking Topic-based sessions will structure each session, as young people are encouraged to discuss their experience of May 7, its impact, and their journey beyond the events of that […]

Yoga Therapy with Serena

In this 5 week therapeutic yoga class participants will be guided through breath, movement and meditation techniques to help bring awareness to the present moment. The focus of the session is to take an hour to get out of your head and tune into your body and sensations experienced in the here and now. Yoga therapy […]

RE:Source Series: “Revisit a Mindfulness Practice”

This workshop will offer further exploration and hands on practice of mindfulness strategies. Mindfulness is an approach that has received much attention over the past decade to improve psychological well-being. Mindfulness simply defined is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement. This workshop will discuss the role of […]

Hike Series: “March with Self-compassion” – IN PERSON EVENT

Griggs Loop near Daniel's Park

Explore the idea of self-compassion and how it differs from self-care while hiking in the wonderful outdoors. Self-compassion is different from self-care. We will explore the three ingredients of a self-compassion practice: a) self-kindness, b) mindfulness, and c) a sense of common humanity (credit: Kristin Neff's self-compassion research). We are over a year into Coronavirus […]

RE:Source Series: ‘Supporting Your Child in Transition to College’

The struggle is real: How to support your child through the transition to college. This one-hour discussion will address ways to help your child(ren) shift from high school life to college life while both fostering their independence and providing support.  Presented by National Mass Violence Victimization Resource Center, Michelle Palmer, LICSW Michelle Palmer is a […]

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